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Strongyloides stercoralis


Strongyloides stercoralis is a round worm known more generally to the inhabitants of Borneo where it is called the creeping crud. Strongyloides stercoralis can make life a living hell with itching and biting to the point where the sufferer feels he/she is being eaten alive. At which is a cdc (center for disease control on Atlanta), you'll find these microscopic photos of the parasite. You can find it by having a stool analysis, however, few physicians do them or know where to get them done and it doesn't show up in every stool sample. But do you have this parasite? Click here for symptoms. If you relate, you may then want to know what to do about this parasite so you life can return to normal

Rhabditiform larvae of Strongyloides stercoralis in wet mounts after fixation in formalin 10%.  Diagnostic characteristics: length 200 to 250 µm (up to 380 µm); buccal cavity short, and prominent genital primordium.



A: The prominent genital primordium in the mid-section of the larva (black arrow) is readily evident.  Note also the Entamoeba coli cyst (white arrow) near the posterior end of the larva.

Strongyloides stercoralis larva


B: The rhabditoid esophagus is clearly visible in this larva; it consists of a club-shaped anterior portion, a postmedian constriction, and a posterior bulb.